
Impacting lives UNDER the scenes...

We often use the phrase “behind the scenes” to describe the important yet unseen work that people do for a cause or event, but just think about all the work that is “under the scenes.” At The Wilds of New England, we have a lot of hidden work “under the scenes:” foundations, water lines, electrical lines, septic lines, network lines, and drainage lines. The problem we face when there is an issue with something “under the scenes,” it is difficult to reach. In New Hampshire, known as the Granite State, the rocks seem to magically grow and abound just under the surface of the soil. To address this accessibility issue, we believe a mini excavator will help us get “under the scenes” to get the work done.

Would you be willing to help us from “behind the scenes” so we can work “under the scenes?” Our goal is to purchase a well-maintained, used machine for approximately $60,000. We genuinely want to provide a campsite that is a useful tool in God’s hands to impact lives and see them changed for His glory.

Thank you for prayerfully considering this need.

Steve Stodola
Assistant Director and Maintenance Manager